Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015--Port Orford to Crescent City, California

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

We left the little town of Port Orford at 9 am, temperature was 55 degrees and misting which quickly turned into drizzle as we headed south on the Coast Highway 101.

The drive around Humbug Mountain was dramatically green and beautiful. 

We stopped at the Humbug Mountain Wayside where we briefly saw an American Dipper beside Brush Creek, and a grove of Myrtle trees.

Weather continued to deteriorate as we drove south. At Gold Beach South Jetty several Osprey flew overhead carrying large fish; a bunch of seals were resting on their backs in the bay.

Mourning Dove

We birded along the Lower Pistol River Road and were excited to see a Say's Phoebe and a Black Phoebe sitting on a fence--one left and the other came to almost exactly the same spot. The ruffled feathers show it was quite windy.
Walking a short trail to see Arch Rock, a very excited Golden-Crowned Kinglet was showing his best to his lady love--I had never seen such a golden crown! I also saw two groups of Brown Pelicans floating along near the shore. (Sorry unable to get photos)

A group of Black Oystercatchers entertained us at Lone Ranch Beach Wayside where they wandered around the rocky shore, as we did too.

It was interesting to watch a group of Western Gulls in a pond. As each one came in for a landing it splashed around in the water taking a bath.

Our total mileage for today was 98. We are settled for 2 nights at the south end of Crescent City, California where we can see the beach and surfers from our motel window.

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